ADCC Organiser blasts Cyborg & Vagner Rocha for supporting Marcel Goncalves

Back in 2018, Fight Sports competitor and affiliate gym owner Marcel Goncalves was or sexually assaulting a 16 year old minor at his Fight Sports gym in Naples, Florida. Goncalves admitted the crime, but also claimed this was down to insanity in 2021, as a result of CTE (brain damage).

According to Flordia law, anyone who has sexual acts with someone 17 or younger who is older than 24, is committing a second degree felony. At the time of the sexual assault, Goncalves was 31.

Anyway, this is still awaiting trial and obviously an ongoing issue. According to ADCC organizer Mo Jassim though, since then, Marcel Goncalves has continued to be supported by the likes of Vagner Rocha and Roberto Cyborg Abreu as he was sighted behind the reception desk at Rocha’s gym, and was also seen at a Fight Sports gathering around late 2020.

This information was gathered by Jassim after he spoke to the victims father.

Speaking on the matter, Jassim said “One of the FS guys messaged me, why you doing this? I thought we were better friends than this?” You know what I said? Go F yourself. You think I want to be friends with a bunch of coward yes men enablers? No thanks. My support is with the victim and what’s right. That’s it.”

Since then, Cyborg responded with his own statement. Here, he claimed that the assault “Changed his whole life, and he will pay for it regardless” He also admitted trying to collect $35,000 from the ex-business partner of Goncalves named Keith Rummel. Apparently, Rummel cut ties with Goncalves after the assault but did not pay him the $35,000 as it was not legally binding.

Cyborg claimed this money would pay for the wife and child of Goncalves but his statement did not mention why Goncalves was still hanging around with his team after the news broke.

More on the story can be found below:

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