Does Alex Jones like Brazilian Jiu Jitsu?

Celebrity conspiracy theorist Alex Jones was recently seen in Austin, Texas where he was posing for a photo with 10th Planet’s Grace Gundrum.

There are several reasons for this. Firstly, Alex Jones is good friends with Eddie Bravo – with the pair having a mutual friend in BJJ black belt Joe Rogan. The second reason is that Alex Jones also lives in Austin, Texas which is where the FloGrappling HQ is located.

Alex Jones poses with Grace Gundrum. 10th Planet founder and fellow conspiracy theorist Eddie Bravo takes the photo.

It turns out that Jones has known Bravo for several years and has even visited his gym. The pair both featured on Joe Rogan’s podcast together to speak all things conspiracy. As seen below, the pair are together in a different setting.

Alex Jones even wanted Bravo to choke him unconscious during one episode. Check the picture below to see Alex Jones’ RNC defense.

Following on from this, it also turns out that Alex Jones is good friends with Australian grappler Craig Jones (of no relation). The pair talked about the Covid vaccine on Alex Jones’s show.

To sum up it seems that Alex Jones genuinely enjoys watching grappling. He has visited several FloGrappling shows in Austin, Texas and seems to have personal relationships with some of the biggest names in the sport. Whilst this is a bizarre scenario, it wouldn’t be right if Alex Jones wasn’t associated with bizarre matters!

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