The best Jiu Jitsu soap for keeping clean

If you train Brazilian Jiu Jitsu regularly then one thing you should take seriously is hygiene. Whether you train in the gi or nogi – the reality is that you will need to do a lot of washing and keeping clean. This doesn’t just mean your BJJ gear either. It means you need to wash as quickly after training as possible. The reason for this is to avoid any lingering dirt on your body mutating into something more serious.

For instance, if you’ve been training hard then you’ll probably be very sweaty, mixed in with the sweat of your training partners. This will get into all sorts of crevices in your body and then it can potentially cause illnesses such as ringworm and MRSA. Some of these illnesses may put you out from training for several weeks or even months and even worse, MRSA can even kill.

Obviously, most people take hygiene very seriously but sometimes you can even go a step further. To do this, you can start using Jiu Jitsu soap instead of regular soap. Whilst regular soap is good, arguably Jiu Jitsu soap is better.

This is normally because it contains extra ingredients and can also be more naturally sourced. As a result, it gives you an edge in fighting your body against bacteria. So, this article is perfect for people who train a lot or are simply conscious about their personal health.

How have we picked these soaps for BJJ training?

The following soaps have been picked due to fitting the following criteria that follows:

  • Ingredients (natural, environmentally friendly etc)
  • Cost (affordability)
  • Smells (variations and different types of smell)
  • Quality (fight off bacteria and infections after training)

These have also been picked in context of BJJ and training a physically demanding martial art.

Defense Soap

Defense Soap is one of the best brands on the market when it comes to offering antifungal soaps. Perhaps the reason for this is due to its variety of smells, such as oatmeal and peppermint. However, more importantly, it’s made of natural ingredients such as tea tree and eucalyptus oils.

As a result, this is a great buy for those who suffer from skin allergies yet want to remain clean. These are typically used as soap bars but can also be purchased in the form of wipes which is great if you’re in a hurry after training.

Submission Soap

One of the main benefits of Submission Soap is that they use all natural ingredients that are made in the USA and they’re also handcrafted. You know this soap is made with care and isn’t from cheap stuff that will damage your skin. These ingredients are things like charcoal, coconut oil, and peppermint oil amongst others.

As their tagline says, “Taps out germs”. It is designed to do exactly that. Per pound, this is one of the cheaper brands on the market too, which is good for those looking at saving a bit of money.

Art of Sport Soap

Art of Sport soap is not only natural, but it’s also vegan and is cruelty-free against animals too which is nice to know if you’re a conscious grappler. It’s made without sulfates, parabens, and phthalates as well which is good to know as these can harm your body.

Made from charcoal, Art of Sport soap also includes various smells such as eucalyptus and sandalwood. Overall, it probably has the most variety of smells too out of all the Jiu Jitsu soaps on the market.

Solpri antifungal Soap

Like many soaps on this list, this is made in the USA and is free from certain ingredients such as sulfates. However, where Solpri soap is truly great for BJJ practitioners is that it also includes glycerin. This vegetable is particularly useful in fighting against irritated skin.

Of course, this is great for people that train in the gi. Naturally, gi pants and the top can rub on the legs and arms and create irritations. Most soaps don’t contain glycerin which is why the Solpri soap really does help grapplers.

Blue Steel Sports Soap

This soap is triple milled and is made to fight against skin rashes and acne. In other words, it ticks the boxes in fighting against skin problems that grappling can bring. We all know that a hard BJJ session can lead you to sweating and when this dries it can turn into a skin problem.

This is where the Blue Steel soap comes in handy. A good thing about this soap is you can also buy a small bar, to begin with to see if you actually like it before committing more money to a bigger bar.

Dr. Squatch Men’s Soap

Dr. Squatch is one of the main brands when it comes to antifungal soap and with this in mind, it’s a great option for BJJ practitioners. This soap contains all natural ingredients and is great for fighting against fungal attacks on your body.

What’s good about Dr. Squatch is that it also offers a money-back guarantee. In other words, it’s reassuring that they back their product and think so highly of it. This soap is available in four different smells.

Herban Cowboy bar Soap

This is yet another eco-friendly, animal friendly soap bar that is great for grappling. However, the main point of this soap for BJJ practitioners is that it’s friendly towards the body. The last thing you want to do is train, get sweaty then cover your body in bad detergents.

Herban also offers deodorant sprays and roll-ons made from similar ingredients. As a result, if you like this particular brand then you can also delve into other products which offer similar hygiene protection for your body.

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