Harley Flanagan – From Hardcore Punk to BJJ Black Belt

During the 80s, the music scene was certainly in an experimental phase, which saw the likes of the Cro-mags emerge from obscurity. At the time, the Cro-mags was founded and fronted by Harley Flanagan who was also their lead basis.

Known for his tough image, he actually lived this lifestyle off stage and was even accused of stabbing and biting band-mates in 2012. So, what does this have to do with Brazilian Jiu Jitsu? It turns out that Flanagan is a black belt under Renzo Gracie and even teaches classes at his legendary gym in Manhattan.

Apparently, Flanagan was one of Renzo’s first ever students and joined back in 1996. He would earn his black belt years later and this took a while due to a busy lifestyle of music and touring. After achieving his rank of black belt, he then went on to teach at Renzo’s, even teaching kids which is a complete 180 compared to his hardcore punk image.

You can see a glimpse into Harley Flanagan’s BJJ lifestyle in the video below. As he puts it, it’s good to learn to fight because “life will F with you. I don’t think it will ever stop F’ing with you until you’re dead”

If you’re a fan of the Crow-mags then check out their vinyl, The Age Of Quarrel which gives an insight into the mind of Harley Flanagan.

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