Gordon Ryan to release new book, Young And Successful

Since breaking onto the BJJ scene as a black belt some years ago, it’s fair to say that Gordon Ryan has since cemented himself as the no gi GOAT in BJJ. He’s also made millions of dollars of his success and seems to have marketed himself well in the process.

This has led to the release of his upcoming book, named Young and Successful. This book is supposedly to act as a guide for future upcoming BJJ athletes on how to monetize their success and build a sustainable income from grappling. As well, Gordon also mentioned that it will include other parts of his personal life, such as his relationship with his father and his inspirations.

Since being released for pre-publish, it has already gained the #1 release title on Amazon and seems to be doing well. However, critics on Reddit have been less than impressed, and have criticized his move to make a book. For those out of the loop, Ryan has long had a strained relationship with the social media platform.

Regardless, if you want to get the book then it’s available here.

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