Brazilian BJJ stars such as Buchecha and Cyborg show support for Brazilian President, Jair Bolsonaro

This week saw a host of BJJ superstars posing with Brazilian President and strongman, Jair Bolsonaro for a number of PR photographs. Among the stars included various world champions such as Cyborg Abreu, Marcus Buchecha Almeida, and Fabricio Werdum. Also in attendance were the likes of MMA legends such as Wanderlei Silva, Jose Aldo, and others.

Cyborg, a longstanding fan of Bolsonaro wrote on his Instagram account, “na luto pelo nosson brasil verde e amario quem luta de verdade vota 22. dia 30 manteremos o brasil. Honrado em estar junto ao nasso presidente.” which loosely translates to “in mourning for Nosson Brasil Verde and Amario whoever really fights votes on the 22nd. On the 30th we will keep Brazil. Honored to be with our president” in English.

For those out of the loop, Bolsonaro is facing an upcoming election against his longstanding rival, Lula. The pair are on opposite ends of the political spectrum, with Bolsonaro being described as ‘The Brazilian Trump’ and even ‘Far right’, whilst Lula is seen by many as extremely left wing. So far, the polls have been incredibly close.

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