The funniest BJJ memes to brighten up your day

When it comes to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu – a big part of the culture off the mats is the memes! That’s right, unlike certain other martial arts, BJJ followers love memes. If you have a quick glance at social media pages, you’ll notice this pretty quickly as well.

The reason for this may be due to the fact that BJJ practitioners love to laugh at themselves – and others. Let’s face it, BJJ is also a pretty niche hobby. So, it’s always fun and interesting to see others divulge in weird parts of the culture in the form of memes. Whilst some may see these as cringy, others love them. Here are the best 15 BJJ memes!

The above meme shows two people going hard at it – which is commonly associated with white belts who put there all into everything and use a lot of energy in the process.

Sylvester Stallone’s face says it all. Sometimes we can try to pay attention to certain moves and demos, only to be clueless when it comes to pulling it off ourselves.

It’s never fun sparring against a super heavyweight in BJJ and this meme sums up the feeling of having to roll against a giant.

BJJ parents are known for being very competitive. This BJJ laughs at those who take things a little too seriously.

Oddly, BJJ is sometimes referred to as ‘the gentle art‘. If you’ve trained for a while, you’ll be well aware that there’s nothing gentle about it whatsoever!

A pie chart showing how difficult it can be trying to learn BJJ early on. As a newbie, it can be very confusing trying to memorize weird moves and techniques.

This meme is very true. Whilst blue belts still get beaten by higher belts, they can often feel a sense of power when beating up newer guys.

Sometimes, a ‘lower belt’ joins from nowhere and beats everyone. It then turns out that this guy has grappled for years and is a beast – just like Khamzat Chimaev.

In BJJ, some people are naturally very tough and won’t tap until the very end. This meme is for them.

We’ve all been there. Sometimes you just can’t win. Sadly participation medals are still a thing!

If ever you’ve done a big weight cut for a BJJ competition then you’ll know how this picture feels. Being able to eat whatever you want can be just as rewarding as winning a tournament.

Despite many BJJ practitioners preaching macho behavior, it can appear a little homoerotic at times.

We’ve all met brand new, overly-enthusiastic white belts who end up quitting months later, despite constantly shouting about the benefits of BJJ.

This meme is a play-on-words about the crucifix position in BJJ.

It’s always fun to watch two fresh white belts going at it. Instead of looking skilled and stylish, it often appears brutal and ugly – almost like a fight until the death.

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