A list of the top 10 most hilarious Craig Jones quotes for BJJ & Life

Craig Jones is arguably the greatest grappler to have ever hailed from Australia. On the mats, it’s clear that he’s an elite competitor who is also famed for his various ADCC silver medals and expertise in earning second place spots on the podium.

Aside from his quality grappling, he is also a beloved member of the BJJ community due to his hilarious Australian humor. With this said, if he’s a black belt in BJJ then he’s most certainly also a black belt in banter as well. In this article, we have collected 10 of the best quotes ever said by Craig Jones. Be warned, these aren’t exactly profound or philosophical – however they are hilarious!

“I watched guys spend their whole lives dedicated to the gi and they’re all the same. Broke. No one’s heard of them”

“travel as much as you can to train with other people. Nothing brings you back down to earth like a visiting a high level gym and working out what parts of your game need work”

“Keenan invented the worm guard, wasted 90 minutes of our lives with that first Gordon Ryan match, and he has blue hair. Who doesn’t want to see this man lose?”

“There’s really not too many stars in this sport. There’s a whole lot of boring people”

“Some guys just don’t want to tap to leg locks. Some people don’t consider them an honorable submission, traditionally”

“I’d say spend a huge amount of time studying matches, when a technique is applied in a high level match you know it’s legit. Sometimes watching instructionals you see a lot of BS techniques that have no place being drilled”

“A lot of people deserve to have that black belt taken away”

“Gabi Garcia keeps ducking me and keeps trying to delay our match!”

“Kit Dale has never been funny and I don’t think he ever will. You’d think a guy that ugly would make people laugh”

“I’m Australian, we have no idea how to wrestle”

If you’re a fan of Craig Jones then check out his Z-Guard Encyclopedia DVD here.

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