The Best Ever BJJ Competitors Of All Time

Determining the “best” Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) athletes ever is subjective and can vary based on individual opinions and criteria. However, several BJJ athletes have made a significant impact on the sport and achieved remarkable success more than others. For our list, we have decided to go on win record, style, and legacy. This is not in any particular order either. For the record, this is also an all-male list (we will do a female GOAT list on another day)

Here are some of the most widely recognized and accomplished BJJ athletes, along with reasons why they are often regarded as the best:

Roger Gracie

Roger Gracie is widely considered the greatest BJJ practitioner of all time. He holds an unparalleled record of winning multiple world championships at the black belt level, showcasing technical excellence and dominance. Gracie’s highly technical and precise style, combined with his impeccable grappling skills, has earned him tremendous respect in the BJJ community. His mount, submission record, and iconic comeback fight against Buchecha is still spoken about highly to this very day!

Marcelo Garcia

Marcelo Garcia is known for his exceptional technique, agility, and innovative grappling style. He has won numerous world and ADCC championships and is revered for his mastery of the X-guard position. Garcia’s ability to seamlessly transition between techniques and his relentless pursuit of submissions have made him an iconic figure in BJJ.

Marcus “Buchecha” Almeida

Buchecha is a modern-day BJJ phenom and a multiple-time world champion in both his weight division and the absolute category. Known for his size, strength, and athleticism, Buchecha has showcased incredible versatility in his game, combining explosive takedowns, dynamic half guard sweeps, and dominant top control. To top this off, he then went and continued his BJJ success in the cage, forging out a dominant MMA career in the process.

Rodolfo Vieira

Rodolfo Vieira is known for his powerful and aggressive style of BJJ. With multiple world championships to his name, he is admired for his strong top game and exceptional pressure passing. Vieira’s ability to impose his will on opponents and secure submissions from various positions has solidified his place among the best in the sport.

Xande Ribeiro

Xande Ribeiro is a highly decorated BJJ athlete, having won multiple world championships and establishing himself as a force to be reckoned with. Known for his technical wizardry, Ribeiro is respected for his deep understanding of BJJ concepts and his ability to execute precise techniques with finesse. Not only this, but he is widely regarded as having the best guard retention in BJJ ever.

Rafael Mendes

Rafael Mendes is widely regarded as one of the greatest featherweight BJJ competitors. With multiple world titles and an impressive submission record, Mendes is admired for his speed, agility, and creativity in bringing the berimbolo to the sport. His guard play and ability to attack from various angles have set him apart as a true innovator. After an early retirement, he would then go on to found the AOJ gym which continued his legacy as a top coach.

Gordon Ryan

Gordon Ryan is a dominant force in the world of BJJ and submission grappling. Known for his incredible size, strength, and technical prowess, Ryan has achieved tremendous success in both gi and no-gi competitions. He has won numerous titles, including multiple ADCC World Championships, and is admired for his innovative techniques and ability to control and submit opponents. Simply put, many regard him as the no-gi GOAT and his record does not lie.

André Galvão

André Galvão is a BJJ black belt under the legendary Marcelo Garcia and the founder of Atos Jiu-Jitsu. Galvão is a multiple-time world and ADCC champion and has showcased a dynamic and aggressive style of grappling. He is known for his explosive takedowns, relentless passing, and exceptional submission skills. Like Rafa Mendes, his coaching is also known as being one of the best in the world which further cemented his status.

Rubens Charles Maciel

Commonly known as Cobrinha, is a highly accomplished Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu athlete who has made a significant impact on the sport. Here are some details about Cobrinha:

Cobrinha is a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt and a multiple-time world champion. He is widely recognized for his exceptional speed, agility, and technical prowess. Cobrinha is particularly known for his outstanding guard game, incorporating both dynamic sweeps and a wide range of submissions.

These athletes, among many others, have left an indelible mark on the world of BJJ through their technical prowess, tournament success, and contributions to the evolution of the sport. However, it’s important to note that the BJJ community is rich with talent, and there are numerous exceptional athletes who have also made significant contributions to the art.

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