Everything you need to know about BJJ Fanatics

BJJ Fanatics are an online platform that provides instructional videos for viewers to learn techniques and moves from. When it comes to the video instructional market in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, there’s a few companies out there but everyone knows that BJJ Fanatics are considered the best. The reason for this is they have a huge roster of teachers, and are filmed in good quality.

From guard retention to submissions and everything in between, there’s literally all sorts of stuff to learn and you can improve your game a lot by watching videos. Because of this, it’s fair to say that BJJ Fanatics legitimately revolutionized the game and changed the way people learn forever. Here’s more information on how BJJ Fanatics works.

Who is the owner of BJJ Fanatics?

BJJ Fanatics is co-owned by Bernardo Faria and Michael Zenga. Faria is best known for winning IBJJF Worlds as a black belt and in his prime was one of the best competitors in BJJ. However, after turning to BJJ Fanatics, he left competitive BJJ and focused on his business. He still trains regularly but isn’t a competitor anymore.

The other owner is Michael Zenga who is also a black belt, but is more of a hobbyist compared to Faria. BJJ Fanatics was actually Zenga’s idea to begin with and he had to convince Faria to jump on board. Originally, Zenga wanted to view instructionals to learn from and eventually reached out to Faria. Combined with Farias contacts and industry presence, the pair went on to dominate the BJJ video market.

Is BJJ Fanatics legit?

In terms of legitimacy, BJJ Fanatics is one of the most trustworthy websites when it comes to BJJ and selling videos. In short, they have literally sold tens of millions of dollars worth of material and have been around for years. With this in mind, you can safely purchase with them and have piece of mind.

In terms of quality and instructors, it is also very legitimate. Fanatics is known as having one of the deepest pools of teachers in BJJ, but also the very best. The likes of Gordon Ryan, John Danaher, JT Torres and hundreds more are all on there and the production quality is decent.

Some of these videos literally last over 10 hours, so you know there’s a lot of detail gone into the product. If you want to know more about certain videos, then it’s best to look online for specific reviews. With this in mind in terms of both teaching and in terms of payment, it’s fair to say that BJJ Fanatics is very legit.

How do I use my BJJ Fanatics points?

BJJ Fanatics points can be redeemed at the checkout. Basically, if you buy enough DVDs and instructional videos, then you can eventually accumulate enough points to buy a new instructional. In other words, these are kind of like loyalty points and make up a percentage of your purchases. When you have enough, you can use these instead of money.

How do I watch BJJ Fanatics videos?

There are three ways to watch a BJJ Fanatics video once you’re purchased it. The first is on your browser, whether that be on your phone or computer. This is done via stream and requires an internet connection. The second is by downloading the video; again this can be done on your phone or computer and means you can watch it without an internet connection once the download has finished.

The last way is to watch it on the BJJ Fanatics app on your phone. This is similar to streaming it on the site, but is more streamlined and easier to access.

What is the best BJJ instructional DVD?

According to the masses, the best DVDs are those by John Danaher, Gordon Ryan, and Lachlan Giles. Often, these guys will release DVDs that are literally over 10 hours in length. John Danaher is known for his very specific, particular instructions and goes over every detail, no matter how small.

Elsewhere, Gordon Ryan has a similar teaching style due to being Danaher’s main student. Here, Ryan goes over similar subjects in great depth and you know it works as he’s literally the best ever when it comes to no gi.

Lastly, Lachlan Giles is also acclaimed and focuses on his own tried and tested techniques such as half guard, 50/50 heel hooks and K guard. Of course, there are many other instructors held in high regard, but the general consensus is that these are the top three.

Are BJJ videos worth it?

This is down to personal preference. However, most people that purchase BJJ videos are usually happy. Very rarely, you may get a bad DVD where the instructor is in it for the money or the filming quality is bad. The issue with this is that these videos quickly get called out and aren’t worth ruining your reputation over.

In terms of most DVDs, they are usually worth it. Imagine spending $100 on two private lessons. This will probably improve your game, but you could alternatively spend the same amount on a DVD with a few hours of content. Whilst you may not physically train with a DVD, you can literally re-watch it over and over. This is especially ideal if you’re into a niche position with an expert who knows all the key details.

If you have someone to practice these techniques with then even better. The other way is through visual learning which works, but isn’t as effective as having a drilling partner. Overall though, most people would agree that BJJ videos are good value for money.

Check The Price Of BJJ Fanatics DVDs On eBay

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