Russell Brand on the meaning behind his blue belt and the benefits of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Russell Brand is best known as a stand-up comedian and actor who focuses on spiritual and social commentary. He is also quite a wordsmith when it comes to communicating his thoughts and is genuinely very articulate. With this said, when he achieved his blue belt he gave a speech on the meaning behind the belt and what it meant to him. He was also very complimentary as to how BJJ had impacted his life alongside his training partners. In true Russell Brand style, he put it more eloquently than most would.

Training out of RGA Bucks, Aylesbury – Brand began by saying the belt was physically a ‘piece of fabric’ that was physically a different colour compared to his previous belt. However, he then went on to describe how it was symbolic of growth and change and that it meant more than just a change in colour.

Brand was also surprised about how the grading was done by a ‘ritualized ceremony’ as he put it. This was structured and hierarchal where black belts gave speeches and everything was quite formal. At the same time, he meant this in a positive way and said how BJJ didn’t care about sex, religion or class whilst training. This has also been spoken on by other practitioners who claim BJJ brings people together from various backgrounds which is one of the many positives it brings. As Brand put it, one black belt at the ceremony claimed “we all come through the door for different reasons but we’re there for the same reason'”. I brief, this sums up the unity that can be created when training BJJ. However, Brand was quite to point out this mentality can apply to various hobbies and BJJ was merely the best suited for him.

He was also quick to point out the irony of how BJJ can create peace through practicing violence. This is something non-practitioners may not understand, but it’s true. Brand stated that “literal confrontation brings cohesion more than communities” which sounds odd but if you think about it, he’s right. He also continued talking about hierarchies and that sometimes they can be good such as when they’re used in BJJ. As he put it, hierarchies can be positive when tied into fairness which is what happens whilst training.

Brand ended by claiming BJJ is about the journey and not fixating on results. With this being said, it looks like he’s into training for the long-haul and isn’t using it to pose. Instead, he is focusing on the positive mental benefits that it often brings to so many.

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