Josh Hinger gives training advice “It’s a mistake to defensively ball up”

Josh Hinger recently gave out some solid advice about training and how to improve whilst doing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. He said “No matter how badly someone is beating your ass. No matter how many times they pick you up and drop you on your head, and smash though your guard. No matter how many psi they use to drive their knee through your sternum. No matter how many ways they force your face into their sweaty ass. Just remember this: it’s a mistake to defensively ball up and focus only on denying them the submission. F**k that, and f**k them. You need to defend and counter attack.”

In other words, the idea isn’t just to retreat and defend when you’re getting smashed. Firstly, you must try and escape – but perhaps more importantly Hinger’s message was about mentality. The idea is to be able to be aggressive and assertive and fight for everything. It’s fair to say that the ADCC medalist knows a few things about BJJ so it’s advice worth listening to.

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