Andy Stumpf – From Navy SEAL to BJJ practitioner

For those that don’t know, Andy Stumpf is a retired Navy SEAL and generally a cool guy who seems to live life to the fullest. Obviously, his time as a SEAL brings numerous, interesting stories but even since his retirement he still lives life to the full. This can be seen with his active lifestyle that includes hunting wild animals and free-gliding through the skies. However, perhaps his coolest hobby of them all is Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Of course, we would say that. He currently trains at SBG Montana which is where he also resides.

Interestingly, Stumpf has also spoken about using guns in combination with BJJ and how the two practices complement each other where self defense is concerned. Obviously being a SEAL, Stumpf knows a thing or two about firearms…he was also shot by an AK-47 during a tour of Iraq.

Not only this but he has also spoken about how SEAL training breeds leadership and motivation…two other qualities that help whilst training BJJ. With this said, the story of Andy Stumpf also mirrors Jocko Willink in many ways. Willink is a black belt in BJJ who also talks about his experiences as a SEAL and has also trained BJJ with Stumpf at times.

What belt is Andy Stumpf?

In Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Andy Stumpf is currently a white belt. However, due to training for some time and his regular attendance and devotion, he will probably be promoted to blue belt at some point.

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